Tour Dates Winter 2025
12.2 - JazzClub Tübingen (DE)
14.2 - Sounds Brussels (BE)
15.2 - Haus in Spay (DE)
23.3 - Live recording!!! @ Cafe Alto (NL)
27.3 - Hot Club Gent (BE)
28.3 - Jazz at the living room (BE)
DM for tickets
29.3 - Jazzkeller Frankfurt (DE)
30.3 Workshop & Concert Vrijmoed Rotterdam
Workshop tickets:
6.4 Jazzorwhatever!?, Wiltz (LU)
New trio project is in the brew with vocalist Claire Parsons and drummer Ziv Ravitz. Check out our first live video 'Twelve Steps'. We hit the studio in August.., stay tuned!
A night with Gilad Hekselman & Eran Har Even
Very exited to play with my overwhelmingly talented friend at the Roode Bioscoop on June 26th. Reserve your ticket via the QR code below.
See you there!
Thanks to everyone who took the time and listen and/or wrote about 'Shorter Day'. It warms my heart knowing that you're touched by it <3
Thanks to Eyal Hareuveni and Salt Peanuts
“Har Even’s fresh interpretations are by no means nostalgic but explore the wise and intricate compositional ideas of Shorter and adapt these compositions to the playful and powerful energy of his trio”.
6 concerts, movie night, composition/arranging assignments, lecture, photo exhibition, Shorter-jam (session, food, drinks and MORE.
Join us between the 2nd - 4th of December at De Roode Bioscoop.
For tickets:
Celebrating the life (&) work of Wayne Shorter…
In the past few months I was diving into the spiritual music of Wayne Shorter, selected a handful of my favourite compositions from “the book” and explored them on the guitar. This project resulted in some versions of solo guitar, duets and quartet settings featuring some of my favourite musicians!
...Wayne’s music is part of my life since I was a teenager. Through his music I fell in love with jazz and now, while diving deeper into his work and ideology it teaches me to be more in the moment and accept that “mistakes” are only perceived as such when you don’t see the bigger picture…
In this video i’m looping some second-line guitar percussion and playing over a beautiful song called “This is for Albert” (dedicated to Bud Powell)
Filmed at the Goethe-Institut Niederlande. Thanks to Jeroen Batterink for capturing the sound and for Jelle Weber for making this video.
Ladies and Gentleman, John Swana is (virtually) in the house!
As part of my ongoing research project about the music of master Wayne Shorter I'm happy to share a semi remote collaboration with my brothers Itai Weissman & Jeroen Batterink ft. John Swana on EVI. Playing a take on my arrangement of "The Big Push".
Itai and myself met John during our musical studies while being transfer students in Boyer college in Philadelphia. It was a truly an amazing time; hanging with a great faculty and students.. Happy to now create new memories! Also, if you generally want to know more about wind synth check Itais channels and find out an ocean of brilliant talks and other inspiring stuff.
Another collaboration with my brother in music Itai Weissman featuring the work of Shorter: “Mahjong”
A solo performance of one of my favorite Shorter tunes:
”The big push”
***New Video***
Collaboration with my old musical friend Sanne Huijbregts.
This song is inspired by and dedicated to my young sister Yarden.
Fall 2020
Excited to play LIVE concerts again!!!
This Sunday!
Follow this link
Password: 045502
Consider supporting our live performance by donating to Kunstenisrael. Thanks in advance! :)
World Citizen European Tour 2020
Challenge Records International
Cover World Citizen
Pre-Order 'World Citizen', Challenge Records International ©
Get you copy before the world wide release on the 7th of February 2020
Happy to introduce my new project!
For a while now I’m cooking some fresh new music with a programatic theme which features some of my favourite musicians:
From left to right: Xavi Torres Vicente (piano), Ivars Arutyunyans (Drums) and Haggai Cohen-Milo (Bass).
My album ‘World Citizen’ is almost ready to be spread to the world…! stay tune for upcoming news!
Gilad Hekselman & Eran Har Even
Very exited to play with my overwhelmingly talented friend at the Roode Bioscoop on June 26th. Get your tickets via the QR code. See you there!
Happy to announce a new lineup featuring Camiel Jansen on bass, Franz Von Choosy on piano, Jeroen Batterink on drums and yours truly.
Subject // Object is modern jazz ensemble from The Netherlands which possesses a European approach to an American art form.
Four incredible musicians dive into a world of interplay and storytelling.”
learn more
BEAM debuet album ‘Flight Dream’ is out!!!!
Available on all media distribution platforms.
Check out our teaser!
Learn more
Coming SOON>>> >>>
The new single of Claire Parsons & Eran Har Even is now online!
Check out ‘Promised Land’
Very happy to announce this new release of singer and composer Henk Kraaijeveld / Passengers
Daan Herweg - Piano
Tobias Nijboer - Bass
Joan Terol Amigo - Drums
Paul van der Feen - Alto Sax
Eran Har Even - Guitar
Learn More
Upcoming concerts winter 2018
My new trio lineup!!!
Jort Terwijn - Bass (left), Kick Woudstra - Drums (right)
Catch us if you can :)
Two nice publications in The Hindu and the Mumbai Times about my coming solo concert at the Quarter, Mumbai, India.
Don't miss it ;)
Had a wonderful time on the road with the Eyal Lovett Quartet.
Our debut live album was succsesfully recorded during a 3 night residency in Horns Erben, DE.
Stay tuned and be part if the magic!
Watch the new video clip of SIETSKE & Band; Chasin' Rainbows!
EvenSanne's new single!!! S T I L L
Was so much fun to make this one!
Album Out! 31st May @ Bimhuis! Save the date!! EvenSanne / What if
The new album of SIETSKE, 'Leaving Traces', will be released in October 15th 2017.
We just got the final design..
Check more about the new album at:
Curios how it all came about ?
Watch the Evolution of EvenSanne!
Ps - It's one of my first films.. I started to get interested in filming and editing a year ago... Stay tuned for more movies in the future ;)
SIETSKe and band debut record published in Japan!
The Canadian label 'Do Right Music' has published 'SIETSKE/Where It Starts Again' in Japan. Looking forward to announce our tour dates.
In the mean time we are working on our second album..
Stay tuned!
For more information please visit: